Tooth Extraction

Revitalize Your Dental Wellness: Empower Your Smile.

Tooth Extraction

Experience the Freedom of a Pain-Free Smile – Let Us Help You Reclaim Your Confidence and Joy!

Discover the ease and lasting benefits of wisdom tooth extraction. Our patient-centered approach guarantees a seamless journey to oral relief, minimizing discomfort and appointments. Say goodbye to prolonged discomfort – Our convenient wisdom tooth extraction procedure streamlines the process, saving you time and energy.


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Unlock Your Smile's Potential, Explore Our Treatment Today!

Experience the ease and effectiveness of wisdom tooth extraction at Sehgal Dental & Implant Centre in Jalandhar. Say goodbye to lengthy visits and procedures as our skilled team provides a comprehensive solution to ease your discomfort.

Our expert professionals use advanced techniques to handle wisdom tooth extractions with precision. With our streamlined process, we ensure a comfortable and efficient experience while addressing your oral concerns.

Looking for pain-free wisdom tooth extraction? Visit Sehgal Dental & Implant Centre today!

Removing impacted wisdom teeth prevents pain, infection, and potential damage to neighboring teeth.

Overcrowded teeth removal ensures proper alignment, averting misalignment and bite issues.

Removing severely decayed or damaged teeth prevents additional oral health issues.

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction involves removing one or more teeth from the jaw bone socket under local anesthesia, often including surrounding tissue. Post-procedure care is crucial for proper healing of the extraction site.

What factors lead to the necessity of undergoing a tooth extraction procedure?

While preserving the natural tooth is generally prioritized to restore lost function, there are instances where the tooth becomes irreparably damaged. In these scenarios, tooth extraction becomes necessary, such as:

  • Severe tooth infection with pus accumulation
  • Advanced gum disease resulting in tooth mobility
  • Tooth fracture due to significant trauma
  • Problems caused by impacted teeth, like wisdom teeth.

What details should you share with the dentist before extraction?

Before undergoing tooth extraction, inform your dentist if you have or have had the following conditions:

  • Artificial heart valves or high blood pressure
  • Liver diseases
  • Compromised immune system
  • Diabetes
  • Bacterial endocarditis
  • Joint replacement surgeries (such as hip replacement)

Categories of Dental Extractions:

Two main categories of tooth extractions include simple extraction and surgical extraction.

Simple extraction:
This procedure involves removing teeth that are visible and easily accessible within the mouth. It’s typically performed in a dental office under local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding gum tissue.

Surgical extraction:
This type of extraction is necessary when teeth are not easily accessible, such as when a tooth hasn’t fully emerged through the gum or if there’s a fractured tooth extending below the gum line.

Post-Extraction Care involves:

After undergoing tooth extraction at the Seghal Dental & Implant Centre, dental experts suggest the following steps for a smooth recovery:

Within 24 hours of extraction:

  • Remove the gauze pad after 45-60 minutes.
  • Enjoy cold treats like ice cream.
  • Consume soft or semi-solid foods at cool or room temperature, avoiding hot items.
  • Apply ice packs to the cheek near the extraction site.
  • Abstain from using straws, spitting, rinsing, or brushing.
  • Sleep with your head elevated and avoid laying on the extraction site.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks, cold beverages, and foods with soda.
  • Adhere to prescribed medication schedules.

After 24 hours:

  • Perform warm saline rinses 3-4 times daily.
  • Rinse your mouth with plain water after meals to prevent food buildup.
  • Brush carefully, avoiding the extraction site.
  • Have regular meals at room temperature.
  • When rinsing or brushing, refrain from spitting forcefully.
  • Avoid using straws until the socket heals.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist after three days or seven days if sutures were placed.